*I hope people use their own wise judgement when hiking always plan ahead and be prepared. One should never go beyond their abilities.*

Over the years I've had a few goals my first was to Summit all the Peaks of Waterton. Here is My Waterton Summit List I completed that goal on September 26, 2016.

My next goal I'm still working on and that is to summit the 6 10,000 foot Summmits of Glacier National Park. I have one left Kintla.

My 2018 Goal that I accomplished was to summit 40 peaks in my 40th year and that I finished on September 26, 2018.

Not sure what will be my next goal, once Glacier's Summits are done?

I commonly use 3 Hashtags on my social media. The first one is #itookthepathlesstraveledby which is to reference this blog. The next two relate to my father and grandfather who were also hikers. #milesformarkellingson is to remember my
Dad, Mark Ellingson and #dustfromthetrailandhowitsettledonme is to remember my Grandfather Earl Ellingson

November 11, 2015

Vimy Peak September 8, 2007

I'm writing this post on November 11, 2015 and how fitting that on Remembrance Day I do a post about Vimy Peak.  I have been thinking that I would love to hike this mountain on remembrance day and leave a poppy on the top.  This year looked promising but then it snowed a bunch the other day and so plans changed.  Anyways I went on this hike with my father-in-law, brother-in-law and sister-in-law.  It had snowed a little and the trail was muddy but it was a great day.  We started out by biking from the Chief Mountain highway.  The path is relatively flat to bike from there to the trail section to start hiking, but it is pretty tiring on the way back as you are spent and the biking is using already sore muscles.  My companions for the day only got up to the summit ridge and never made it to the true summit, but I was able to summit alone.  There was a little snow still on top and the view was amazing as it always is from Vimy.  Before 1917 this peak was called Sheep and Goat Mountain then in 1917 it was officially named in Vimy Peak in remembrance of the victory the Canadian Army had at Vimy Ridge in France during WWI.  Fitting tribute to the fallen hero's from that campaign in World War One.
Readying the bikes

Crossing one of the streams

Proof of how muddy it was

Resting part way up with a nice view of the prairie behind

Snow caped mountains all around

Great prairies to the East

Crypt Lake in the distance in the center of the picture

Col that takes you down to Crypt Lake trail (I took this once) also Upper Waterton Lake visible from here

This is how high the other 3 made it

View to the Waterton town site and Crandell Mountain

View down the North East ridge, as a Teenager we hike this mountain for a scout camp and called that little jut out below "pride rock" because it looked like the same pride rock on the Lion King movie

Prince of Wales Hotel

Summit Selfie

There is only one part of the hike that has no or little trail and it is this scree slope below

Had to take a picture of how high the other three climbed

Heading down the scree slope that was shown two pictures above

Beautiful colors in Waterton looking west

Group picture on the way down

Finished and tired

Approximate path we took via biking and hiking

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