*I hope people use their own wise judgement when hiking always plan ahead and be prepared. One should never go beyond their abilities.*

Over the years I've had a few goals my first was to Summit all the Peaks of Waterton. Here is My Waterton Summit List I completed that goal on September 26, 2016.

My next goal I'm still working on and that is to summit the 6 10,000 foot Summmits of Glacier National Park. I have one left Kintla.

My 2018 Goal that I accomplished was to summit 40 peaks in my 40th year and that I finished on September 26, 2018.

Not sure what will be my next goal, once Glacier's Summits are done?

I commonly use 3 Hashtags on my social media. The first one is #itookthepathlesstraveledby which is to reference this blog. The next two relate to my father and grandfather who were also hikers. #milesformarkellingson is to remember my
Dad, Mark Ellingson and #dustfromthetrailandhowitsettledonme is to remember my Grandfather Earl Ellingson

September 21, 2017

McClintock Mountain Sept 20, 2017

So our group headed down to Glacier National Park again today, and on our drive we weren't sure which area to hike in.  We had the intentions to hike Rising Wolf Mountain in two medicine but the weather was pretty miserable.  So the plans changed and McClintock was the new destination.  We started in Two Medicine area and got a good view all day long of Rising Wolf but it would have been a much longer day if we had stuck to the original plan.  Well just before we got to Old Man Lake we started hiking in snow and we had snow for a good half of the day to hike in and got to knee deep in some spots and once we reached Pitamakan pass the wind was just crazy.  I got not summit view panorama on this hike because the visibility and cold freezing snow made it pointless.  It was a great day except for the few cold blowing windy moments.  I was hoping for a view of Stimson, but that too didn't happen either, way to overcast and stormy.  Good all in all but Fall/Winter is definitely upon us!

Looking at the North Side of Rising Wolf Mountain

Old Man Lake

Climbing the Pitamakan pass looking down on Old Man lake and Flinsch Peak

Pitamakan Lake

Mt. Morgan

Heading over to Cut Bank Pass with McClintock in the distance

On Cut Bank Pass with Red Mountain in the distance

View from Cut Bank Pass to Tinkham Mountain

Icicles on McClintock

More Icicles

Summit Cairn with ice all over it

Our crew almost to the top

Summit Photo

Summit Cairn with Pitamakan Lake behind

From Cut Bank Pass looking at McClintock

View of Pitamakan Lake and on left Seven Winds of the Lake

Traversing back to Pitamakan Pass (Rising Wolf in the distance)

Looking back at McClintock

Sun reflecting off of Old Man Lake

Fall colors below Rising Wolf
Track of Hike

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